The first thing to remember about photography; It is not the camera, it is the photographer that creates the image.
Due to the camera's auto settings you can focus on the photo you want to create first, before worrying about the quality (I will discuss Manual Modes in the upcoming weeks).
Here is the number one rule to taking better photos:
The Rule of Thirds
It looks like this:
Now what does this mean???
Look at the photo below:
It's a beautiful day at the beach and your son is getting ready to catch some waves. You want to capture him looking out to sea so you both can always remember his day at the beach.
Is this a powerful photo? No, it is not visually interesting.
Why? He is not the subject of the photo. To make him the subject of this photo let's move in a little closer.
Now that's better...
Why this photo works better:
The Rule of Thirds
Let's see how the Rule works:
1. He now stands in 1/3 of the photo
2. He is looking out to the right and we have more weight on that side to see what he is looking at.
3. The shore line is in the lower 1/3 of the photo making the ocean more prominent
4. More visually pleasing, our brains like odd numbers and thirds works for the visual mind.
I will give you a few more examples and you can look at them to see how I composed them for more visual impact.
(Her eyes fall on the top third line of this photo and her left eye falls on the right third line)
So to review:
1. Keep your subject either in the middle (great option) or to the left or right third
2. Whatever scenery you want to be most prominent should occupy 2/3 of the frame
3. Even in a crowd of people your family member can become the most prominent person in the photo if you put them on one of the thirds and focus on their face.
3. Get closer (always important when you are photographing people)
4. Put your subject's face on one of the "points" when you compose and you will be happier in no time.
Turn on your creative eye and keep shooting!
Remember to get yourself in some of the photos too!
Call me to set up a family session, we can go and play on the beach!